It has good secondaries, can rip holes in citadels, and can win or at least mutually die in every knife fight. Its agility, unique guns, and torpedo complement make it one of the most fun ships in the game. The Sinop and Scharnhorst are just barely outshined by this crafty little bugger. Gneisenau, floating, as per tradition, WOWS 2021 World of Warships: Fuso Is Awesome VII Gneisenau I’m not saying you should get close or chase a destroyer but if one is in your sights, take the shot you could save a fellow destroyer’s life and subsequently win that flank
DD Cruncher: you can clobber destroyers with Fuso’s heavy volleys it leaves no wiggle room. You’ll find people don’t willingly give you their broadside, that doesn’t matter, splat them with your HE Dev Striker: if you want a dev strike, use this ship.
IJN Ballistics: you can lob over things but still hit them, the Japanese arc is a well-rounded one, and you should have no problem hitting things close and far. If you want a floating island of death, then here you go. I have been on the receiving end of a Fuso too many times. Brawler: Nassau has great secondaries, second only to the premium ship König Albertįuso, floating, as per tradition, WOWS 2021įuso has twelve guns! That’s right, and Devastating Strikes are its game. Firing angles: you needn’t worry which way your guns face like a rising sun, there will always be more to bear. Fast Reload: you can send follow-up volleys with the best reload in class. You should always aim a bit higher than the waterline when going for citadels the Nassaus dispersion forces rounds down Good Penetration: its AP rounds mangle most armor. You can play this ship however you want, angle in, canoe out, kite, brawl, ram, whatever. Nassau is why so many people get sucked into german BBs. This thing is probably the best ship in this tier, let alone the best battleship. As you swing your perspective from port to starboard, you’ll have a weapon ready. It’s tier 3, the boats are slow and painful to watch.
Nassau, floating, as per tradition, WOWS 2021
So we didn’t take dead eye into consideration. Note: Battleships are on the verge of gaining more dispersion, “Dead Eye” is being replaced with “Swift and Silence” in update 0.10.4. None of these battleships are premium, and they can all be ground out of the tech tree. Luckily, there are constants, and we’re going to get into that tier for tier. It keeps us grinding, guessing, and confused. Over the years, we’ve seen leet ships nerfed to obscurity and underdogs buffed to meme-lord status.